I started with tidying the oil sensor wiring and extending the wire for the start solenoid. And then went on to check every connection and that the loom was secured correctly. I corrected the fan wiring (as when it kicked it it spun the wrong way) and then got the engine to temperature to test - all good there.
Next up was replace the reverse sensor switch in the gearbox. I jacked the car up and got underneath giving me just enough room to work. Annoyingly I couldn’t get enough purchase on the Allen key so had to approach it from the top. Battery out, battery tray out and lots of room to access the two bolts. Out it came and in the replacement went. Tightened it up and tested the reverse light for the first time....
Boom it worked!
Next up was to refit the battery tray (after tidying the reverse light wires). I was going to put the tray straight back in but decided to wrap it in the carbon fibre wrap I’ve done other parts in. Luckily I had just enough to do it.
Much better! I added the chassis plate to the pedal box too.
I then moved onto stamping the chassis number into the chassis. Nice and easy but if you’re going to do yours, check the stamp, double check and then check again!
Then my boy came out (not by himself) and had fun holding on and eating anything he could.
Next up I adjusted the front left braided brake line as it touched a wishbone when on full lock. With that done I tried to re-bleed the brakes. I’ve bought a vacuum pump system so I can do it alone but the bleed nipples let air in when they are loosened so need to seal that and try again.
I think I’m happy with the engine bay and front of the car now. All I’ve got left is to bleed the brakes, tidy the wiring behind the dash, fit the stone guards, and I’m not 100% happy with the security of the rear lights wiring so will secure it a bit better.
I’m sure other jobs will crop up but we will see.
I did my usual end of the road and back drive today and the car ticked over to 1 mile!!